Brooklyn, NY, United States
Hello everybody My name is Joseph Manoylo and i have been in the Real Estate field since 1992 . I have experience working with foreclosures since 1996,I started out as one of three employees in a brand new company ,in eight months i was a head buyer of foreclosed properties,we were buying ,renovating,and selling an average of 14 properties per month. The company's name was NDN ENTERPRISES and EL CAPITAL. Now I am a freelance locator/buyer for investors,I do not look at properties which will yield less than 33% of the invested funds. That is my bottom line,and I stick to it .Due to my many years of experience,I have vast connections in the foreclosure field,that eliminate the middle man and can produce up to 80% back on the investment . Only serious buyers need to inquire,If interested in an ongoing business,I am a very aggressive buyer,with resources from banks,brokers,title and deed attorneys,auctions,etc.

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

it will be completely different the regular websites that surround us now ,it will be totally interactive,and I emphasize on the word INTERACTIVE, I want EVERY buyer to know his broker/agent like he is sitting in his office even though you will be a world apart and a language that you have never spoke or even heard of ,the magic will be to make both parties feel relaxed and at home ,which is the place that they will most probably be when the initial meetings of the mind will commence. Once we have that out of the way guess what  some a small advice to all the brokers/agents out there stick to the basics and you will do great just make sure it all adds up I cannot emphasize how important that and only that advice is,due to the fact that it all winds up in the mathematics baby ,that's all and any buyer pro or novice will do his or her homework so you better do yours ,numbers is the universal language if it adds up you will have international clientele I guarantee it ,and the perks this site will offer for our clients and of course our broker /agent subscribers will be just too amazing to pass up even if you are not going to buy or sell anything during the first trip I personally don't know a person who will pass up a trip to Europe or USA for pennies on a dollar Flights as well as hotels and of course we will all be entitled to all the rentals and the free bees of our World Wide Associates that will be there to meet and greet and show all the local hot spots, etc.
As the world turns so will the truly competent,wise,adventurous,think out of the box type of individuals,know what they want and will stop at nothing to reach their goal(GOAL=A DREAM with a DEADLINE)truly innovative,truly brave ,honest,and business savvy (you can be both you know, our policies will not tolerate ANYTHING LESS than due diligence and complete disclosure towards our clients as well as our colleagues.)Our Company Website will come with the technology of tomorrow and with the manners discipline,understanding and culture of our great grandparents . It will be the perfect example for all the world to follow where the old school manners and ideals will be applied with the best technology that this day and age has to offer. I came originally from Ukraine Odessa and was brought up to respect my elders ,hold the door ,say thank you and please ,be courteous kind ,treat others the way you yourself would want to be treated never judge,never look down at any one ,doesn't matter where this life has put that person at that certain time, I will always remember these wise words from my friend Willie he told me the only time you look down at another person is when you are bending over that person to offer a hand of help to get him up. That is our goal ladies and gentleman that is the way of the future that is the way a new company gets respect and keeps it throughout generations to come, that is the way of humanity and dignity we will stand on those principles I dare anyone to show me a better way in fact I encourage it .
That is the missing link, I live in NY and I am very ashamed and embarrassed for my city when I see the signs on the subways and the buses ran by the city, the signs ask the general public if they would be so kind and to give up their seat to an elderly ,sick,pregnant,etc it is a shame that we have to have signs telling our young how to be courteous, to me personally it is very said these ideals should be instilled in our kids from the day that they are born by their parents not by the MTA.
Anyway my fellow tweeters I would keep you updated sooner but, the computers on my network wireless network CLEAR 4G were hacked and basically taken over I became a regular user and they became the administrators it was a nightmare I mean they literally built a virtual world on my computer so if I was typing in Virus Removal Tool I got redirected to their virtual Microsoft page and the virus removal tool was just another way of them getting more control over my computers until I disconnected the computer from the operating system , that's when I was finally able to see what was in my c drive ,there were more virtual programs then Microsoft themselves, I was really at first shocked then anger set in then I understood how genius these people really are ,I mean Norton was not Norton ,kaspersky was not kaspersky it was all them and the virtual imaginary world that they have build on my computer its true genius Now I have respect for these bastards that's where the future technology took us to thief's who can hide behind a screen and basically ruin peoples lives.
That is why I was not able to update you due to the fact that I had to restore my own identity.
TRUSTEER RApport is the program that my bank suggested that i download It is used by most of the banking Industry to protect your network and your Identity and its Free so do not wait another minute and get it, when I read what it covers It basically put my mind at ease but as everyone knows if there is a will there is a way used in both the positive and unfortunately the negative but for know I would really suggest it as a firewall program.
Back to the good stuff we will be looking for very qualified very unique individuals who will be able to operate within the boundaries that I have wrote about above.
Basically a decent well mannered business women and men from the following categories,Real Estate Brokers,Agents,Attorneys,Sellers,Buyers,Construction workers,Engineers,Architects,travel Agencies,Time shares holders and sellers ,vacation home swappers ,vacation renters etc we are hard at work researching the best way to make frontier world wide personal interactive site that will lead the real estate buying and selling to the next level there is still much to do but I do promise you this much when its all done we will be the pioneers of the industry where the future technology will coincide with the old school charm and personal old school service which other companies will follow and people will gravitate towards due to the fact that we are going back and to the future The Best Of Both worlds combined and coming soon at your service .
Till then take care God Bless and please any and all suggestions and ideas are welcome please email to Thank YOU Be well

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